Am I suitable for laser vision correction?
And what does it involve?
With advancements in laser vision correction technology and ever evolving techniques, more people than ever before are suitable candidates and can improve their vision with laser vision correction.
In this blog we explore what laser vision correction is, its benefits, who is suitable, and how to take the first step to visual freedom.
What is laser vision correction?
Laser vision correction is an elective lifestyle choice that offers a variety of benefits, and which allows those that invest in it, the opportunity to see clearly.
Put simply, laser vision correction alters the focusing power of the eye, by changing the shape of the cornea. It was developed over 30 years ago and has steadily advanced to now be a minimally invasive day-time procedure from which there is little down time, is pain free and has significant benefit to those looking to reduce or eliminate reliance on glasses and contacts lenses in their day to day.
The benefits
Laser vision correction is a permanent and immediate investment in your lifestyle and can provide the below benefits.
- Lifestyle convenience
- Appearance confidence
- Freedom from reliance on glasses or contact lenses
- Freedom from the daily regimen of wearing and cleaning uncomfortable contacts lenses and having red or irritated eyes
- No more financial resources required to purchase glasses or contact lenses
Your suitability
Laser vision correction is an elective procedure and therefore no optometrist referral is required.
In the past laser was best suited to those who were short-sighted – or had to wear glasses to see clearly into the distance. These people are still excellent candidates along with those who are mildly long-sighted or who have astigmatism.
However, there are now options for people who suffer from presbyopia, or whose vision has been impacted with age and they now need reading glasses for near tasks.
Laser vision correction specialists will work with you, through a consultation process, to design a tailored solution depending on individual eye health and visual goals.
So the good news is that even if you have been told in the past that you are not suitable, you now may be a candidate.
How to find out your best laser option?
This most often is understood via a non-invasive consultation process.
At Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre (AE&LC) we offer this as complimentary and there is no obligation. This allows each patient to have the opportunity to understand the options, meet their eye doctor, are confident that their visual goals can be achieved, and have a comprehensive understanding of the procedure process and have had the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
Looking to get started? It’s easy.
The first step is to undertake our Online Eye Suitability Test. Undertaken online via phone, tablet or computer in less than 5 minutes, this comprises of 3 quick questions that provides some background on age and visual range. At completion an indication of what your best options are is presented and you are able to book a laser assessment.
Alternatively you can just go directly to booking an assessment.
The next step – your laser vision assessment
Conducted by one of our refractive counsellors, this can be done in-house or over zoom at your convenience, and will take approximately 20 minutes. During this assessment we will collect further information about your eye health, provide detail on what is likely the best laser vision solution for you, provide information on costs and payment options, and answer any questions you may have. If you are suitable and you decide to progress we will book you in for an appointment to meet your laser vision specialist.
Appointment with your laser vision specialist
This appointment will be conducted at AE&LC and will take approximately 2 hours. During this time, you will first undertake a series of non-invasive tests with one of our optometrists that essentially map the shape of your eye and complete the information that your laser vision corrector doctor needs to provide you with a tailored laser solution to correct your vision. When these tests are done you will then discuss with your laser vision specialist, your visual goals, the tailored treatment plan that will achieve these, its risks and benefits, the costs and available payment options that are relevant, and ask any questions you might have about the procedure. If at this point you would like to proceed, our customer service team will book a suitable date for your procedure and help you complete your paperwork.
Procedure day and recovery
On procedure day you will attend ParkView Day Surgery, which is on the ground floor in the same building as AE&LC, at the time detailed to you. You will be at the day surgery for approximately 2 hours and will need someone to drive you home.
The procedure is quick and most patients experience minimal discomfort and no pain due to anaesthetic drops placed in the eyes beforehand. We also supply, and recommend, taking a mild relaxant beforehand to calm any nerves you may be experiencing.
After your surgery you will be seated in our recovery lounge which provides a quiet space to rest until you feel like going home. After a brief post-surgery chat with your surgeon, its time to head home to rest for a few hours. The relaxant taken just before your surgery will assist sleep, which we recommend as it aids healing and recovery.
If you are interested in following the journey of a recent patient Bec on her procedure day click here to watch this short video.
The next day and life after laser!
After a nights rest most patients are astounded to wake up to clear vision!
The next day you will see your doctor for a post procedure check-up and then you are free to get on with your day. Most people return to normal activities with some guidelines that weekend and are back to work within 3-7 days.
Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre – the first in South Australia
Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre specialises in laser vision correction and was the first in South Australia to perform this life changing procedure.
Dr Peter Ingham and Dr Ben LaHood are our laser vision ophthalmologists and are exceptionally skilled and experienced in this field. Between them they have over 50 years of experience in tailoring laser vision solutions to each patient, striving to achieve the very best visual results.
In affiliation with ParkView Day Surgery, which offers a complete suite of laser vision correction options and is Adelaide’s only purpose-built ophthalmic day hospital and the only facility to conduct laser in an accredited procedure room, we are qualified to provide advice for those people looking to invest in laser vision correction.
Find out more?
If you are interested in finding out more about Laser Vision Correction do not hesitate to contact a member of our friendly customer service team.
You are also able to understand your suitability for laser by completing our Online Eye Suitability Test here.
Or you can book a complimentary consultation today – just click here!