Online Eye Suitability Test

Our Recommendation

Thank you for undertaking the Online Eye Suitability Test. Using your answers we class you as being hypermetropic – or long-sighted.

What does this mean?

Long-sightedness, or hypermetropia, often starts with difficulty reading earlier than normal, and this then starts to affect your distance vision as well. This is the opposite of myopia (short-sightedness).

The good news is that it is likely there are treatment options available for you. The treatment options that are best suited to you will depend on the level of correction required and other factors such as age.

If you would like to find out more about your vision problem and what your surgical options are, please fill in the fields below and we will send you this information.

Take the next step to own your vision!

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Book complimentary laser assessment

To understand your best laser options we provide either a tele-consultation or in-house assessment that is no cost to the participant. Provided by a skilled refractive counsellor from ParkView Day Surgery, our affiliated day surgery facility, during this appointment we are able to refine what your personal eye solution is, and provide you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Are you suitable for eye laser surgery?

Not all people are suitable for laser surgery and a thorough examination with an Ophthalmologist is necessary to determine suitability, however, there are some general guidelines and questions which can provide an initial indication of suitability. Take the suitability test and take your first step to a clearer brighter future.

Your questions answered here

We understand that having eye laser surgery is an important decision and that you may have questions about the procedure, your immediate recovery and what you can expect in the days, weeks and months after surgery. We have answered as many as we can here.